Sunday 1 July 2012

Ed Milliband demands an Inquiry into Bollinger bankers

At last I feel Ed Milliband is groing into a strong leader theat this country so badly needs in the speech he made yesterday to the Fabian conference.

“How can it be that someone is sent to prison for stealing £50 worth of goods from a shop but there is no punishment for those who lie and cheat to gain millions of pounds?” 

In probably his strongest speech yet,  he attacked the criminal behaviour of Bollinger bankers.  He called for an independent enquiry into the banking sector, criminal charges for those who have done wrong and greater competition to the big four banks.  He reminded us why this matters; the family struggling to pay their mortgage, small businesses struggling and being ripped off with insurance products they don’t need.

Has made a powerful and necessary intervention into the issue that will dominate discussion about the economy and politics for some time to come.     A speech that in its immediacy, and moral strength, shows Ed Milliband as a PM in waiting.  He has put the present one on the back foot – Cameron now  has to respond with an inquiry, or look like the PM who protects the wayward bankers.  

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