The list of the of roads to be resurfaced in Hounslow next year is now available. This is the first stage of the £800m contract signed by between the Council and VInci Ringway in September, which will see all borough roads improved over the next five years, starting with those in the worst condition. The contract includes resurfacing of roads and footways, new street lights, street cleaning, removing graffiti and flytipping, as well as taking care of trees and verges and winter gritting.
We have been working on this joint public-private scheme for 10 years now, such is its complexity. It might have been dropped by the Tory/independent Council leadership when they led the borough from 2006 - 2010 but to their credit they didn't; so what we started, we can now roll out.
Brentford roads due to be resurfaced in the 2013/14 financial year are: Boston Gardens, Boston Manor Road (part), Brentwick Gardens, Carville Crescent, Brook Lane north, Ealing Road, Enfield Road and Walk, Hamilton Road, New Road and the Ride. New footways include Apple Garth, Chestnut Avenue, Carville Crescent (part), Ealing Road (part). Several more roads are getting new street lights in the next year too.
The works will mean safer, more accessible streets. Street clutter will be sorted, and drop kerbs will be installed on all corners where there are none—such as this once being pointed out by Councillor Mel Collins.
The contract means the environment will be better, particularly for disabled people and those with buggies.
For more details of the project in the Isleworth & Brentford Area, see the October 201 agenda for the Isleworth & Brentford Area Forum meeting 30th October 2012 on