Wednesday, 1 August 2012

A4 Traffic Update

Well we're getting a little bit of acknolwedgement form TfL;  we have secured some limited improvements to traffic flows both along the A4 eastbound through Brentford and along Chiswick High Road. But yesterday (Tuesday), the traffic was still a nightmare.  I could see, as I have an app on my phone that shows by red, amber and green the state of the traffic, at any place at any time. 
We feel TfL should loosen their grip still further in these areas and could also allow some local 'tweaks' without compromising their overall objectives for the movement of Olympic vehicles, so we are continuing to press for further changes, on the A4, Chiswick High Road and the Kew Bridge Road/Kew Bridge junction.
While I'm on - the M4 closure - in case you saw signs advising of an M4 closure , it is only a temporary closure between midnight and 5.00 a.m last night. The Boston Manor Viaduct section is still subject to a 7.5T weight restriction, but Olympic coaches (the vehicles not the trainers!) are exempt from this restriction provided that the travel no closer together than 200 metres. The closurelat night was to allow the installation of additional markers on lamp columns to assist drivers in keeping to this 200 metre headway.